
Reasons For Inequality In Education

Education is very important and research has shown the importance of education not only for earnings but also for labour. For the majority of South African children, receiving a quality education is either a norm or a human right. It’s a rare opportunity based on luck. Most South African public schools remain dysfunctional and oversubscribed, while private schools are not affordable for the poor or the unemployed — a massive 25 percent of the South African population.


Socioeconomic causes inequality

The most important reason for educational inequality between Blacks and Whites is socioeconomic. Whites tend to have parents with higher levels of education, occupational status, and income than do Blacks. These parental characteristics are associated with White students’ better educational outcomes. Differences in family background consistently account for about one third of the test score gap and for almost all of the inequality in rates of college entry and graduation among Black and White high school graduates.

There is no document where anyone can go look at exactly what is necessary in a school. There is no standard that will ensure we deal with it. When we want to look closer at this unequal access it is reflected in disparate student results. Black students account for nearly 50 percent of university students and 80 percent of the country’s population, less than one in 20 black students ends up with a post-high school qualification or degree compared to one in two white students. Most of the graduates produced by top university are white.

Education and Employment

Education is the key factor for these inequalities. Income is often based on education and experience.  Since a smaller percentage of blacks graduate high school than do whites, then it is only logical that the
13 average incomes for blacks are below that of whites. With a higher percentage of whites finishing high school, there are more opportunities for whites to continue to further their education, which result in higher paying jobs.

Professionals, no matter what their race, make more comparable salaries than when comparing the different incomes across the whole board. The results of education, or lack of education, also spill over into the area of unemployment.

It is a given that employment relies on education. If the lesser percentage of blacks graduate high school, the lesser the percentage that go on to continue their education. A limited education just limits one to certain jobs. Limited job opportunities would result in higher chances of unemployment. It only makes sense that unemployment for any group would be higher with limited education. Education must be factored as key for these major inequalities among the races. As many people know firsthand, racism does exist and is a problem. However that should not be the number one issue today because we cannot always turn to the past for excuses.

The controversy that surrounds affirmative action is that is looks to make up for injustices in the past. It may seem like a good idea, but for people to move forward, they must look forward, and not dwell on the past. The focus must be on the future. Early education of the young children is where many answers lie. The inequalities between the races in income, in the workforce, and unemployment can all be related back to education. The foundation must be concrete. These explains the high unemployment amongst blacks specially in poor areas one might blame the government for not doing enough, and some may blame our youth or teachers but either way who’s responsibility is this, if you were to ask me I would say yours. Do your best to work out your life and achieve all your goals.

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