
10 Tips To Help You Stay Committed to Your Work-Out

Most people who are conscious about their health usually struggle with sticking to their workout routine each year. There’s nothing wrong with this because let’s face it, working out isn’t fun for everyone. Most people only stay committed to working out in the first quarter of the year and then give up, although it’s not the easiest thing to do all year round, if you are going to start it then you might as well do it all the way.

To keep you on the right track here are some tips to help you stay fit and healthy all year.

1. Start slow
Since you are coming out of a long break, don’t kill yourself by going all out. Start slowly either by a 30 minute jog or just 45 min in the gym. Until you’re comfortable with that then you add more time or exercise.

2. Schedule your workout
Instead of going to the gym or running “when you have time”, its best you schedule your workout routine. Find the perfect time that you’re most comfortable with and you know you’re not expected to be anywhere. Some people prefer to work out early in the morning to feel good for the rest of the day, but if your lifestyle doesn’t allow you then you can work out in the evening. The key is not to schedule a time that you know you’ll be forced to choose.

3. Try something new
When you become comfortable with a certain work out, maybe it’s time to try something new. You can add swimming or play sport to your routine to change things a little bit. By sticking to one routine you get bored and start to slack. Set workouts and rotate them whether it’s after a month or two just don’t get stuck on one thing.

4. Set goals
To stay committed to anything you have to set goals for yourself. Work towards something. Always start small, set weekly goals until you feel ready to take monthly goals. Track your progress, how you are doing in a time that you set, you’ll see that your will bravely commit until you achieve.

5. Weather
It’s not often where the weather is perfect for working out. It’s mostly either hot or cold. So don’t make it a habit to make weather excuses. Don’t let rain or the heat stop you from achieving your goals. Just do it!

6. Make it social
Working out alone just makes it more painful. You just want it end, it can seem like torture. Add fun to it by inviting your friends or partner to come along this can make you enjoy working out more and hey friends/partners who sweat together stay together.

7. Dress up
I know baggy clothes when working out are comfortable and they don’t require too much effort but that can lower your interest in working out. Try dressing up for the gym, yes people, for you to feel good when you’re working out. If you can afford try have different outfits for each day of the week that you work out. If that’s not on your budget you can mix up the ones you already have and make it more fun.

8. Make it fun
If you don’t have a gym partner it’s important to have your music with you, music that makes you feel good (be careful not to work out more than you intended). If you are into motivational speeches this the perfect time to listen to them, it will just keep you going. You might just start working out just to be motivated I mean it can be addictive.

9. Use social media
If social media is your thing then you have found a reason not to quit. Update your friends on your workout lifestyle and if you are achieving your goals or not. This will hold you accountable to staying on the track and you might also get some tips on people who also enjoy the same lifestyle.

10. Reward yourself
Yes discipline is a big part of a healthy lifestyle, but it’s important to reward yourself for being good. You can treat yourself to a day off or a good meal once in a while. Always take time to reflect and enjoy all the hard work that you do.

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