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Anele Mdoda Gushes Over Her Hot Stepmother

Anele Mdoda Gushes Over Her Hot Stepmother. Seeing children have a beautiful relationship with a step parent, is heartwarming. This is the case with Anele Mdoda, who is smitten about her father’s new wife Noxolo Zinyana.

Patilizwe and Zinyana Mdoda got married towards the end of 2023. The event that was attended by family and friends trended on social media. This came after Anele shared a picture of the newly wedded couple, welcoming Noxy to the family.

If this is deleted, please know my dad and his wife jumped me for posting unofficial pictures of an amazing day. Welcome to the family, Noxolo, or should I say Mrs Mdoda. We love you boobsie,” Anele captioned a picture of the couple at their wedding.

Pat, lost his first wife to pancreatic cancer more than a decade ago. He is the father to famous sisters Thembisa, and Anele as well as Unathi and Zamalisa Mdoda. The death of their mother has not deprived the sisters of parental love. Their dad has stepped up to the plate and is doing a wonderful job as a single dad. Judging by their success, one can attest that they have been taken care of.

Now Pat has a new wife, and his daughters have opened up to her. Noxy, who is a model, recently attended Anele’s 40th birthday celebration, looking all sorts of pretty. Anele shared her pictures on Instagram, gushing over her.

Are all your stepmomā€™s this hot or is it just ours,” Anele captioned one of the pictures.

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