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Wiseman Mncube Gets His Flowers

Wiseman Mncube Gets His Flowers. The premier of Shaka ILembe lived up to expectations. Ever actor on the first episode gave a standout performance, leaving viewers glued to their screens.

The first episode showed King Senzangakakhona being captivated by the beauty of Nandi, who he immediately saw as a future wife. He went as far as taking a life, just to prove how much Nandi means to him. This though brought big trouble for his clan, with blood being shed for vengeance.

As much as ever actor brought their A-Game, there will always be that one, who went all out. In this case, for man viewers the actor is Wiseman Mncube. The SAFTA winner and producer has been cast as Zwide Langa, and he portrays the villain so well. Zwide is out for blood as Senzangakakhona (played by Senzo Radebe), killed one of his soldiers, in a bid to protect Nandi. Now his clan has declared war with the Zulus, and blood is already spilling.

As a leader and a Prince, Zwide has so much influence on his clan. Now that his father died, he has some sort of entitlement, and whatever he says goes. H is seeking for revenge over Senzakakhona, and vows to kill everyone in his way.

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