
10 Ways to Manage Your Stress Levels As You Sit for Matric Final Exams

10 Ways to Manage Your Stress Levels As You Sit for Matric Final Exams. Today Matric learners Monday (31 October) sat down to write what for many of them will be their first final examination paper, English Paper 1 as the country prepares for the matric exams period.

As exciting as this time is, it is also equally stressing to both students and parents. There are several strategies that can help reduce exam anxiety and increase your performance on exam day. Check out some of them below;

1. Take Regular Breaks

You definitely deserve it. Our brains don’t work well when we’re tired, and revising can be exhausting. Don’t trudge through it, make sure you take a break every hour for 10 minutes, have a snack or something but don’t get distracted, be disciplined.

2. Don’t Over Revise

Make sure you have a good balance between work and play. You should still be enjoying time with your mates at the weekend, as well as getting in some study time. You don’t have to put your entire life on hold if you plan properly.

3. Learn Relaxation Techniques

To help you stay calm and confident right before and during the test, perform relaxation techniques. These include deep breathing, relaxing your muscles one at a time, or closing your eyes and imagining a positive outcome.

4. Get Creative

Make your own revision materials. Instead of just trying to memorize boring notes, try making flash cards or mind maps, you could even write a song. If you can sing the entire Makhadzi album word-for-word, you can definitely remember most of the material you learned in high school.

5. Study Early and in Similar Places

It’s much better to study a little bit over time than cramming your studying all at once. Also, spending your time studying in the same or similar places that you take your test can help you recall the information you need at exam time.

6. Eat Breakfast

We don’t perform well when we’re hungry, so no matter how nervous you are, eat a balanced breakfast. Eggs are a good choice and anything with Omega 3 to get your brain juices flowing. Avoid sugary foods like chocolate, this will give you a sudden burst of energy but cause you to crash during the exam.

7. Eat Lunch

If your exam is in the afternoon, make sure you eat a decent balanced lunch before that too! Hunger does not mix well with exams, there’s nothing worse than a grumbling stomach in the middle of a silent exam hall.

8. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is directly related to academic performance. Teenagers especially need to get regular, solid sleep. This is basically to get a good rest and for optimal work performance. Power napping has also proven to increase productivity, so give it a try.

9. See a Professional Counselor If Necessary

Talk therapy (psychotherapy) with a psychologist or other mental health professional can help you work through feelings, thoughts and behaviors that cause or worsen anxiety.

10. Take It Easy

Be the best you can be, that’s all you can do. If it doesn’t work out, remember that it’s not the end of the world. There are opportunities to resit exams and alternative options, ask your teachers!

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