
10 Types of Cyber Crime You Should Be Aware Of

10 Types of Cyber Crime You Should Be Aware Of. Most of us have access to the internet on a daily basis. One has to be careful when online though, because some tech-savvy individuals engage in various types of criminal activities on the internet. It can be in the form of hacking, identity theft, fraud and so forth and so on.


Hacking involves the partial or complete acquisition of certain functions within a system, network, or website. It also aims to access to important data and information, breaching privacy. Most hackers attack corporate and government accounts.

2. Identity Theft

Attackers can do all kinds of things with a person’s identity. They can seize control of victims’ banking credentials, apply for new banking accounts, steal users’ hard-earned savings, and more. All they need are some key bits of information about you to convince a bank or a customer service representative that they’re you.

3. Fraud

Fraud is a general term used to describe a cybercrime that intends to deceive a person in order to gain important data or information. Fraud can be done by altering, destroying, stealing, or suppressing any information to secure unlawful or unfair gain.

4. Scamming

Scam happens in a variety of forms. In cyberspace, scamming can be done by offering computer repair, network troubleshooting, and IT support services, forcing users to shell out hundreds of money for cyber problems that do not even exist. Any illegal plans to make money falls to scamming.

5. Computer Viruses

Most criminals take advantage of viruses to gain unauthorized access to systems and steal important data. Mostly, highly-skilled programs send viruses, malware, and Trojan, among others to infect and destroy computers, networks, and systems. Viruses can spread through removable devices and the internet.

6. Phishing

Phishers act like a legitimate company or organization. They use email spoofing to extract confidential information such as credit card numbers, social security number, passwords, etc. They send out thousands of phishing emails carrying links to fake websites. Users will believe these are legitimate, thus entering their personal information.

7. Malvertising

Malvertising is the method of filling websites with advertisements carrying malicious codes. Users will click these advertisements, thinking they are legitimate. Once they click these ads, they will be redirected to fake websites or a file carrying viruses and malware will automatically be downloaded.

7. Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is one of the most rampant crimes committed in the virtual world. It is a form of bullying carried over to the internet. On the other hand, global leaders are aware of this crime and pass laws and acts that prohibit the proliferation of cyberbullying.

9. Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking involves following a person online anonymously. The stalker will virtually follow the victim, including his or her activities. Most of the victims of cyberstalking are women and children being followed by men and pedophiles.

10. Software Piracy

The internet is filled with torrents and other programs that illegally duplicate original content, including songs, books, movies, albums, and software. This is a crime as it translates to copyright infringement. Due to software piracy, companies and developers encounter huge cut down in their income because their products are illegally reproduced.

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