
10 Types Of Friends You Should Avoid

It is true when they say, ” The company we keep can make or break us”. When it comes to friends, there’s bound to be a few bad apples in the bunch. For whatever reason — maybe they’re overly critical, perpetually depressed or just plain annoying — you can’t stand to be around them. Yet rather than keeping them in your life, consider giving them the heave-ho or you could suffer.

backstabbing friends

Here is a list of 10 types of friends that you really need to avoid.

1. The frenemy

We are talking about a real Frenemy—someone who really wants bad things for you. Because you’re you. You and the Frenemy usually go way back, have a very deep friendship, and the trouble probably started a long time ago.

2. The copy cat

Imitation is considered to be the sincerest form of flattery, but a friend who looks or behaves like your photocopy machine can be very scary.

3. The drama queen

This person’s storyline never seems to move past the conflict stage. There is always something that is making them unhappy and there is typically someone to blame. This person chooses drama as an attitude and consequently attracts it and revels in it. T

4. The selfish friend

If you are someone who is always generous and giving, these people will know no bounds when taking from you. They likely don’t even recognize that they are taking as it’s their norm nor is reciprocity a part of their thought process.

5. The Cheater

Many friendships have been crumpled and crushed, because a best friend hit on a friend’s romantic partner. To avoid making best friends with this type, avoid the sneaky flirts, the sweet talkers and generally, people who try flattering you and talking like you mean the world to them.

6. The energy drainer

After spending time with this person, you feel drained. The conversation usually revolves around their problems and complaints. They will provide an emotional “dump” on you in order to release and feel better. Problem is, that energy ends up making a withdrawal from your energy reserve, and you have nothing left to give after.

7. The wild child

Dangerous and unstable is how you define this type. You usually get in trouble or always end up having to save your friend from trouble.

8. The competitor

Any kind of competition is healthy in every relationship but when claws start to come out and things get extremely competitive between friends, things can get very ugly

9. The backstabber

This friend cheers you on, exclamation points and happy face emoticons included. But in reality, they secretly just don’t like you nor want the best for. Be careful; because these people may want to appear like your friend due to strategic and calculative reasons and will likely mask their true feelings with eagerness and compliments. Your intuition always knows.

10. The Mood Killer

This friend intentionally or unintentionally kills the mood as soon as they enter into a conversation with you. They always seem to find a flaw in anything you do or have, be it your clothes or your love life. They are like the lone dark cloud hovering over you on a sunny day. Nothing positive ever comes out of their mouth. They are never short of sarcastic comments or depressing thoughts.


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