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10 Influential Books You Need To Read To Be Successful

Truth is, there are a handful of  books that have literally changed the world. It is no surprise, then, that reading is also important to success. If you want to succeed in life and be the best, read the following list of 10 influential books…….



1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey (Free Press, 1989)

While Stephen Covey wasn’t the first to write a book on becoming a better, more effective person, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People marked the beginning of a revitalized interest in personal development. With a 15th anniversary edition released in 2004 and more than 15 million copies sold, this book has helped millions change their perspective and their lives.

2. The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom Suze Orman (Crown, 1997)

As a financial expert, Suze Orman offers advice on the nuts and bolts of managing money. But whether you’re watching her on television or reading her advice in O, The Oprah Magazine, or in one of her best-selling books, such as 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, her message is clear: Wealth is an attitude and money isn’t the key to acquiring true financial freedom.

3. Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill (Aventine Press, 2004)

Napoleon Hill, inspired by business legend Andrew Carnegie, spent 20 years of his life studying the lives of some of history’s most successful people. The culmination of his research was the in-depth series, The Laws of Success. In 1937, Hill published another book, Think and Grow Rich, founded on the same philosophies of success. This book condensed the wealth of knowledge he’s accumulated into 13 principles for successful living.

4. Laws of Success Napoleon Hill (Combined Registry Co., 1966)

Twenty-six years of research, including interviews with more than 500 self-made millionaires, laid the foundation for this massive collection. After studying the methods and accomplishments of masterminds such as Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell, Napoleon Hill compiled what he learned, offering it to the world as the Laws of Success.

5. As a Man Thinketh James Allen (Filiquarian, 2007) Published in 1902,

“This little volume” as James Allen refers to it, has been a source of inspiration for millions and has influenced the work of many respected personal-development leaders. And with statements such as, “The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears,” Allen paved the way for many contemporary philosophers.

6. How to win friends & Influential People Dale Carnegie (Pocket Books, 1998)

First published in 1937, How to Win Friends and Influence People was an overnight success with staying power. Today, this book is regarded as one of the all-time best for its lessons on dealing with people.

7. Maximum Achievement Brian Tracy (Simon & Schuster, 1995)

As suggested by this book’s subtitle, “Strategies and skills that will unlock your hidden powers to succeed,” it’s likely you already possess what’s required to create success in your life. Those who apply these strategies provided by Brian Tracy can make changes that quickly produce results.

8. See You at the Top Zig Ziglar (Pelican Publishing Company, 2000)

There’s room for you at the top! Zig Ziglar’s message has inspired millions to change their lives by helping them do, be and have more than they dared dream possible.

9. The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale (Fireside, 2007)

The belief that positive thoughts lead to a positive reality isn’t a new phenomenon. Decades before The Secret, Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positive Thinking. The book teaches readers that focused, intentional and unyielding belief is required before they can achieve the lives they desire.

10. Awaken the Giant Within Anthony Robbins (Free Press, 1992)

Within each person is a sleeping giant of greatness. With this book, motivational coach Anthony Robbins seeks to help you “take immediate control of mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny.”



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