
Top 10 Signs You Speak Like A True South African

South Africa is one of the most diverse and enchanting countries in the world. Of it’s best are it’s people with their different cultures. If you have lived in South Africa long enough, you should be familiar with the following slang words which are sprinkled in every communication of South Africans. Check them out below…..

Being South African

1. You say “Shame”

This term is used by South Africans in just about every social situation. This expression showing emotions but not only in the proper sense of embarrassment and guilt

2. You say “Askies”

Askies means “sorry” Feeling or expressing sympathy; Feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone.  It is an Afrikaans word.

3. You say “Eish”

Heard frequently each and every day! Also used to indicate displeasure. Used in South African English and Afrikaans to express exasperation or disbelief.

4. You say “Yoh”

A lot of South Africans use this expression when they are surprised. an expression of surprise e.g., “Yoh, that was rude” “Yoh, you gave me a fright!”.

5. You say “Izit? or Sho?”

Best used when you have absolutely no clue what somebody is talking about but don’t want to sound like a dofkop (stupid head).

6. You say “Ag”

This is one of the most useful South African words. It can be used to start a reply when you are asked a tricky question, as in: “Ag, I don’t know.” Or a sense of resignation.

7. You say “Howzit”

This is a universal South African greeting, and you will hear this word throughout the country. It is often accompanied with the word “Yes!” as in: “Yes, howzit?” In which case you answer: “No, fine.”

8. You say “Braai”

This term stands for Barbecue [from Afrikaans for barbecue; mainstream word to mean barbecue in all South African languages

9. You say “Ja (Yes)”

These two words are often used in succession to express agreement or confirmation.

10. You say “Now now”

This expression implies the sense of urgency, by doubling the “now” and say you want it done “now now”.



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