
10 Bad Habits That Lead To Gain Weight

Having problems with your weight? Whether you’re aiming to maintain an already healthy weight or your goal is to shed  a bit of extra body fat, your success not only relies on creating and maintaining good habits, but recognizing and breaking the bad ones, too. Here are the bad habits you need to stop doing in order to maintain a great body weight …..

Bad Habits That Lead To Gain Weight1

1. Addicted to eating- Food is not addictive … but eating is. Binge eating often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only reinforces compulsive eating. ..

2. Not sleeping enough- Losing sleep tends to make people eat more and gain weight. Some experts have theorized that in a sleep-deprived state, people eat more food simply to make up for all the calories they expend as they burn the midnight oil

3. Late night Snacking- For many people, late-night eating is just a habit. There’s nothing wrong with eating a light, healthy snack after dinner as long as you plan for it as part of your daily calories.

4. Taking Big Bites- Much like eating too fast, having huge bites creates the illusion of a smaller meal – bigger means fewer, and you’re likely not to chew those big ones any longer than the regular ones.

5. Skipping breakfast- Although it’s now sounding like a cliche’, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Research suggests that regularly eating a healthy breakfast may help you lose excess weight and maintain your weight loss

6.  Low-protein foodLow-carbohydrate (low-carb) diets are popular for weight loss, but they may be … including foods that are lower in carbohydrates and higher in fat or protein.

7. Serving Your Meal On Larger Plates- Keep your portions in check by choosing smaller serving dishes. The larger your portion sizes, the more calories you will eat, thus you gain weight. 

8. Following a Low-fat Diet- The thing to remember in terms of fat is that it’s not bad, it just adds up quickly. Fatty foods are denser, so you have to be aware of that when portioning and planning your meals.

9.Not Drinking Enough Water- The reason that any of this matters is  that liquids are needed for you to function properly, including to lose weight, and as a bonus it makes you feel full. Many of the foods most often

10. Eating Too Quickly- You do not take your time to eat. New studies show that eating too quickly can make you pack on the kilos.



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