Need help with this girl!
So about a few weeks ago me and this girl, who I’ve been friends with since our sophomore year of high school (we just graduated) and went to prom with, basically told each other that we have some strong feelings for one another. However, we haven’t started dating yet which leads me to the issue. The issue is with her, her past relationships have all ended within about a month and she has a lot of commitment/trust issues that she has shared with me and forewarned me about, mostly due to her parents being married for about 20 years and then getting a divorce. Because of this she’s afraid that people won’t be there for her when she needs them so she breaks off the relationship before it gets to far. I’ve repeatedly told her that we just need to communicate about issues we have and I’m more than happy to give her space/anything to make her comfortable. I just want to know what I can do for her so we can move this relationship further. I care about her deeply and want the best for her but since I’ve, unfortunately, never been in a relationship before, I don’t know how to truly handle the situation at hand.
She has commitment issues because of her parents’ divorce, what can I do to make the situation more comfortable for her so we can move on with our relationship?
All advice is welcome, thanks!