Advice Corner

Not sure if he likes me.

Hi, I’ve started hanging around with my friend, her boyfriend and his friends who are all in the year above. I enjoy hanging around with them and want to hang with them more often. I’ve developed a crush to one or the friends and they all took the mick out of him for ‘worming’ on me, the thing is I really like him but can’t tell my friend because I know she’ll tell her boyfriend who will tell him. We’ve flirted but that’s as far as its gone and when everyone suggested that we were ‘perfect for each other’ he just stayed silent. But I tried speaking to him and he ignored me, i think he feels annoyed by his friends taking the mick for flirting with me and so is now ignoring me…i just don’t know what to do because i really like him :/ I’m not sure if he likes me or i’m just reading things in the wrong way?

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