Advice Corner

I feel unhappy!

I am a 24 year old lady. I met my husband, who is a Pastor, 2 years ago. Within a matter of months we got married. I brought into our marriage my 3 year old daughter who is now 5. My husband and I were blessed with a baby boy last year. However, I wasn’t as happy as I thought my husband and I would be because he started cheating on me on social networks and chatting up women. In fact, when I was pregnant with our son another woman was also pregnant with my husband’s baby and she gave birth a month before I gave birth. That was the last straw for, and resulted in my husband and I fighting to the point that we separated. He then dated different women and would post their pictures on Facebook every time he had a new girlfriend. Early this year, he got back together with an old girlfriend of his and they moved in together, and I later found out that she is pregnant. My husband told me that the child was not his and he wanted to re-unite with and save our marriage. Because I still love him, I agreed to this and reconciled with him. He then broke up with is old girlfriend. But now my problem is that I feel unhappy and we fight a lot, but I don’t want let go of my husband because he is my everything, I am everything I am because of him. Another thing that bothers me about him is that he doesn’t like my first born child since it’s not his. I don’t know what to do. I would really like some advice.

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