
Check Out The 5 Surprising Household Products That You Didn’t Know They Expire

We all know that most food items have an expiring date or they expire. There are other common household products that expire but didn’t know they do. Check out the things that you didn’t know expire

  1. Potatoes

When stored correctly, ripe potatoes should stay good for two to three months. Don’t eat green (unripe) or sprouted (overripe) potatoes; store in a cool ,dark place.

  1. Rice

Don’t let your bag of rice sit around longer than five or six months. for brown rice, make it three months.

  1. Spices

Dried spices often last for two to three years, but it depends on the kind, how they were dried, and how they are stored.

  1. Beer

An opened bottle of beer will begin to lose its taste and potency after about a year. but unless you’re a connoisseur, you probably won’t notice a big difference until later.

  1. Lipstick

Lipstick that’s exposed to air starts to dry out and change consistency after around two years. You should be able to tell by a change in smell and texture.

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