
Top 5 Reasons Why Relationships Don’t Last Longer These Days

Of course people leave relationships for less brutal reasons: jealousy, boredom, irritation and sexual disinterest. After trying and failing to fix these problems, they realize the best solution to their pain is to cut ties from the source. But let’s get real now, we know there’s more to the reasons mentioned. Take a look at the following 5 reasons why your relationship probably didn’t work out.

Relationship problems

1. You didn’t communicate effectively

This comes down to believing that communication is all verbal, discussing the nth out of relationships but not being action focused, and not understanding one another’s communication styles and how to get the best out of them. One person is speaking French, the other is speaking Chinese. Each person wants the other to not only speak their language but take on their communication style.

2. You didn’t share the same vision

While it may have started out fun, your idea of taking it to the next level was letting him meet your friends, while he was already looking at rings. Even if it feels right, it’s hard not to want to get out when you have such different views on where your relationship currently stands.

3. You had too many expectations

We believe that the other, in some magical way, is going to supply us with what is lacking within us. No one can give us inner security or self-worth if we do not have it. If we want to create a harmonious relationship, we will first need to be in harmony with ourselves, which means developing inner security, strength, self-confidence and self-acceptance in all situations.

4. You were confused

This is a bit like setting people impossible tests and expecting them to play Mystic Meg and read your mind. Of course, when they don’t figure out what we want, we get p*ssed off with them and lament their shortcomings. This stems from fundamental beliefs that ‘right’ relationships means that the other person will know what we want, when, and how.

5. You had misguided ideas about unconditional love

To many, unconditional love means loving without boundaries and loving people regardless, in the hope that they reciprocate. This is a bit like loving with IOU’s. By having little or no boundaries, we communicate to partners that we don’t love, care, trust, and respect ourselves enough.


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