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Unathi Shares Her Winning Weight Loss Tips

Unathi Shares Her Winning Weight Loss Tips. If anyone should be giving weigh loss advice, it definitely has to be Unathi Nkayi. Everyone who follows her has witnessed her journey, as she successfully shed off weight, to have a snatched body.

The celebrated media personality and musician gained weight over a decade ago, after having children. Unathi then embraced her new body as a thick woman, but eventually decided she wants to bring sexy back. She took it upon herself to go on a weight loss journey, and has never looked back. Unathi is now one of the hottest celebrities in the country, and she always shows off her beautiful body.

With a lot of people always asking her, what her secret is, Unathi has decided to share some tips. They are all about a good diet and working out.


I’m being asked a lot to share my tips on how I shred the weight when I need to.

The first thing I do is show people my before and after pics because people LIKE TO FORGET how big I was.

Then once we get that out of the way I say ‘Whatever you want you can have you must just commit to it.’

Promise yourself that you will work out a MINIMUM of twice a week until 31 Dec and we have a deal. The weeks you have more energy and time put more hours in to make up the weeks you can only do two hours.

I eat after 12 and always start my day with protein. Usually eggs with avo but fish and chicken are wonderful too.

The flat stomach is achieved in the kitchen and the abs at gym. I have gone back to my green juice for supper and sometimes add gin 🤣🤞🏾🙋🏽‍♀️ when I’m feeling festive.

My green juice: Spinach, Cucumber, one avo, ginger and 💯 juice. You’ll watch your waist shrink.

Thank me later. Let’s go Bo Love.

PILATES I’m obsessed
,” Unathi graciously shared her tips.

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