
10 Institutions That Offer Support for Victims of Abuse in South Africa

In South Africa, numerous organizations are dedicated to providing essential support for victims of physical abuse. These institutions offer a range of services, from medical attention and shelter to counselling and legal aid. Here are 10 key organizations that can help:

1. South African Police Service (SAPS)

The SAPS is a critical first point of contact for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault. They assist with:

  • Medical attention
  • Shelter
  • Victim counselling
    For emergencies, contact SAPS at 10111.

2. People Opposed to Woman Abuse (Powa)

Powa provides comprehensive support for women who have experienced violence, including:

  • Phone and in-person counselling
  • Temporary shelter
  • Legal assistance
    Website: Powa
    Tel: 011 642 4345
    Email: [email protected]
    Social Media: Facebook and Twitter

3. Childline South Africa

This non-profit organization supports abused children and their families with:

  • Free counselling services
  • Assistance with physical and sexual abuse, substance abuse, behavioural problems, and trafficking
  • Legal advice
    Website: Childline South Africa
    Toll-free helpline: 116
    Email: [email protected]
    Social Media: Facebook and Twitter

4. Child Welfare South Africa

Child Welfare South Africa focuses on:

5. Families South Africa (Famsa)

Famsa provides counselling and education to support marriages and families, including:

  • Help with domestic violence and trauma
  • Assistance with divorces and mediation
    Website: Famsa
    Tel: 011 975 7106/7

6. TEARS Foundation

TEARS Foundation offers:

  • Crisis intervention
  • Advocacy
  • Counselling
  • Prevention education services for domestic violence, sexual assault, and child sexual abuse
    Website: TEARS Foundation
    Free SMS helpline: 1347355#
    Tel: 010 590 5920
    Email: [email protected]
    Social Media: Facebook and Twitter

7. The Trauma Centre

The Trauma Centre provides:

8. Thuthuzela Care Centres

Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs) are one-stop facilities that aim to:

  • Reduce secondary victimisation
  • Build cases ready for successful prosecution
  • Provide access to information on gender-based violence
    Website: Thuthuzela Care Centres

9. Gender-Based Violence Command Centre

This command centre offers a dedicated helpline for victims of gender-based violence.
Helpline: 0800 428 428

10. Halt Elder Abuse Line (Heal)

Heal provides support for elderly people facing abuse with:

These organizations play a vital role in supporting victims of physical abuse across South Africa, providing essential services to help them recover and seek justice.

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