
Graphic Designer Post Available at Media24 News

Media24 News has a vacancy for a graphic designer in its Commercial content team. The successful candidate will be responsible for graphic design for Media24 News’ various publications in Cape Town. The position will mostly be based in Bellville.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Matric/Grade 12
  • Appropriate tertiary qualification in graphic design
  • At least 4 years of relevant experience
  • Previous experience in a newspaper, magazine, or advertising agency environment
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office and Adobe design software as well as motion graphics
  • Willingness to work irregular hours when necessary
  • Must have own reliable transport
  • Proficient and fluent in Afrikaans and English
  • Experience in design for a digital platform will be advantageous

Skills and Abilities:

  • Adaptability – ability to work with different personalities in various situations
  • Ability to transform written text into visual material
  • Ability to function well within a team as well as independently
  • Ability to work under pressure and deliver accurate work of high quality
  • Efficient time-management skills
  • Creativity
  • Accountability

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Design and layout of infographics and any other designs for Media24 News’ publications and any special publications
  • Support to the sales representatives with all aspects regarding graphic design
  • Handling of complete material
  • Retouching of photography and deep etching
  • Handling the production flow from design to final print stage
  • Accurate placement of all designs
  • Design of print and digital advertisements and/or print materials for all marketing communication projects

If you meet the above requirements and would like to be part of this team, feel free to apply at CLOSING DATE: 11 June 2024

Media24 Nuus het ’n vakature vir ’n grafiese ontwerper in sy Bedryfsredaksie. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal verantwoordelik wees vir grafiese ontwerp vir Media24 Nuus se verskeie publikasies in Kaapstad. Die pos sal meestal in Bellville gesetel wees.

Minimum Vereistes:

  • Matriek/Graad 12
  • Toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasie in grafiese ontwerp
  • Ten minste 4 jaar toepaslike ervaring
  • Vorige ondervinding in ’n koerant-, tydskrif- of advertensieagentskapomgewing
  • Bedrewenheid met Microsoft Office- en Adobe-ontwerpsagteware asook motion graphics
  • Bereidwilligheid om wanneer nodig ongereelde ure te werk
  • Moet oor eie betroubare vervoer beskik
  • Deeglike taalvaardigheid in Afrikaans en Engels
  • Agtergrond in ontwerp vir ’n digitale platform sal in die kandidaat se guns tel

Vaardighede en Vermoëns:

  • Aanpasbaarheid – vermoë om met verskillende persoonlikhede in ’n verskeidenheid situasies saam te werk
  • Bevoegdheid om geskrewe teks tot visuele materiaal te omskep
  • Vermoë om goed binne ’n span sowel as onafhanklik te funksioneer
  • Vermoë om onder druk te werk en akkurate werk van gehalte te lewer
  • Doeltreffende tydsbestuurvaardighede
  • Kreatiwiteit
  • Toerekenbaarheid

Pligte en Verantwoordelikhede:

  • Opmaak en uitleg van infografika en enige ander ontwerpe vir enige Media24 Nuus-publikasie of spesiale publikasies
  • Ondersteuning aan die verkoopsverteenwoordigers met alle aspekte rakende grafiese ontwerp
  • Hantering van volledige materiaal
  • Retoesjeerwerk van fotografie en diep etswerk
  • Hantering van die produksievloei van alle ontwerpe tot finale drukstadium
  • Akkurate plasing van alle ontwerpe
  • Ontwerp van gedrukte en digitale advertensies en/of drukmateriaal vir alle bemarkingskommunikasieprojekte.

In addition to a market-related, competitive remuneration package, this position offers the incumbent the opportunity to make a mark within a world-class media organization.

In terms of Media24’s employment equity policy, preference will be given to suitable candidates from designated groups.

How to Apply

Click HERE to apply.

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