Here Is Everything You Might Want to Know About Jojo Robinson’s Tattoos

Here Is Everything You Might Want to Know About Jojo Robinson’s Tattoos. The most part of Jojo Robinson‘s body is covered in tattoos. Every now and then, she adds a new tattoo, and always shares her journey on social media. Jojo’s legs, arms, bum, back and stomach, are all covered in tattoos.
Obviously there are many people out there curious about these tattoos, and Jojo is always gracious to educate. Taking to Instagram she has just shared that it has taken her 8 years, to get here. She admits though that getting a tattoo is physically painful, but depends on the duration of the session. Neck, inner legs, knee, inside knee, foot , hands, ribs, back, lower back. Below the bum, in the bum cheeks, are the most painful parts according to her. Tattoos also don’t come cheap, and Jojo has forked probably between 200 and 300k for hers.
“TATTOO Tour. It’s taken about 8 years of being tattooed to get to this point.
Does it hurt ? yes . People who tell me it doesn’t hurt are usually the ones with an outline. Anything over a 3 hour session is horrible. It does not get better. It gets worse the longer you sit. And healing is rough . Black out areas. Yoh. You must prepare. Nothing can actually prepare you.
What does it cost? I’ve lost count. At this point, maybe between 200 – 300k ( roughly) maybe more,” Jojo said.
Honestly when you have these many tats, people are going to stare. Jojo doesn’t mind it, but she doesn’t appreciate getting dirty looks. A lot of people always wonder how one will look as an old person with tats. Well, for Jojo, she doesn’t mind, because all of us at some point will have wrinkles, tats or not. She is not about to stop anytime soon, so haters must just deal.
“Do people stare? Yes. I don’t mind generally. But the Karen’s ay the come for you with the dirty looks.
Do you regret any? No. Not at all.. I love my art
Is colour more painfull then black and grey?
YESSSSSSSSSSS. It also bleeds more and you always need touch ups.
What’s it going to look like when I’m older?
We are all gonna be old. No one is skipping that skip. No one out here is gonna be better than anyone else. Wrinkled tattooed skin, in my opinion, is better than just wrinkled sun aged skin . FYI, tattoos cover all the gross things time will bring to us all.. So you either gonna be arty and old or just old. It’s really just preference.
Will I get more? Yes. I will also need to start touching up old ones as we go,” Jojo said.