Dept. Of Justice: Estate Controller Opportunities

Any four year legal qualification, a CV, driver’s licence, ID and a Z83 form is all you need to apply for this position. Additional info @ YOUTH VILLAGE.
Location: Pietermaritzburg / Kimberly
Ref.NO: 14/174/MAS (Pmb) / 14/176/MAS (Kimberley)
- An LLB degree or recognized four year legal qualification
- Z83 Form
- CV
- Certified copies of qualification, driver’s license and ID.
- Administer deceased and insolvent estates, Curatorships, Trusts and all aspects related to the administration thereof;
- Render professional service to clients in line with the service level agreements;
- Identify and report opportunities or problems that may impact on service level agreements or effectiveness of operations to the Assistant Master;
- Provide effective people management;
- Prepare all monthly management and court reports in the prescribed formats.
- Legal research and drafting; Case flow management;
- Estate duties;
- Communication skills (verbal and written);
- Problem solving;
- Computer literacy.
How To Apply
Post: The Human Resources: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001.OR
Hand Deliver: Application Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
Enquiries: Mr S Maeko, Tel: (012) 315 1996
Closing Date: 14 July 2014