
Inside Dineo Ranaka’s Hair Transplant Journey

Inside Dineo Ranaka’s Hair Transplant Journey. We just love how a number of our celebrities are embracing their cosmetic surgeries. Most are going for BBLs, nose jobs, Botox, gastric bypass, others are getting new sets of teeth, and so on. Just recently Khanyi Mbau got a whole new face.

Dineo Ranaka is the latest celebrity to reveal their cosmetic surgery. The veteran entertainer and entrepreneur, has just shared her hair transplant journey. This is an elective surgery sought by men and women who are endeavoring to enhance their appearance and achieve hair restoration due to an abnormal amount of hair loss. Dineo has sort out the services of Sandton Hair Transplant Clinic for her journey.

Join us on her HAIR TRANSPLANT journey as she tackles thinning hair from multi factorial causes such as hormonal changes, hypothyroidism and those tight hairstyles leading to traction alopecia.

Watch her progress unfold 🔥

HAIR TRANSPLANT 💣🔥 A permanent solution to baldness!

Progress to be posted in 4-6 months
,” the clinic announced.

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Dineo has just shred impressive update after day 5. She is in good spirits, grateful for the results. Dineo also shared her daily routine since staring her journey.

Hair Transplant Update Day 5: We’re doing great!👍🏽

Daily routine of the Proskin Foam 20 minute soak. It cleanses and moisturises the scalp. I can’t sleep on my sides (to prevent damage to the implants) so I sleep facing up (for the first ten days)

So far so good. In the meantime, I’m continuing to watch what I eat. I believe in helping any cosmetic or medical procedure by also keeping to a healthy regime,
” she said.

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