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DJ Zinhle: The Unexpected Reality Show Back for Season IV

DJ Zinhle: The Unexpected Reality Show Back for Season IV. One thing about DJ Zinhle, she has content for days. Besides her career duties, she travels the world, learns new things daily, celebrates this life thing, and so forth. Almost everyday, Zinhle posts her activities on her various social media platforms. She even does mini vlogs, where she updates her followers about what she has been up to.

Her fans will be happy to note that DJ Zinhle: The Unexpected is back for its fourth season. The multi-award winning DJ, media personality and entrepreneur once again has the opportunity to share her life activities in a bigger platform. In the past seasons of the award winning reality show, Zinhle has opened up about her career, personal life, family, travel, hobbies, future aspirations and so much more.

Season III of DJ Zinhle: The Unexpected premiered on the 14th of October 2023, bringing viewers nothing but entertainment and life lessons. The beloved cast members, Zinhle, Moozlie, Brendon, Gugu, Kholiwe, Thabs and Zenzele all shared something profound about their lives. Zinhle’s husband Murdah Bongz, her daughters Kairo and Asante also made appearances. Glammy, Kairo’s grandmother also appeared on some episodes.

A lot has happened since Season III was wrapped up, meaning viewers should brace themselves for a great show. Zinhle has been taking up cooking lessons, picked up ice skating as a hobby, had a massive Era By Zinhle event, and recently bought her husband a brand new car. Obviously all of this and so much more is going to be shared on the new season. Fans will also probably want an update regarding the mansion that she and Murdah passionately spoke about the previous season.

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