Celeb News

Vuyolwethu Ngcukana Mourns An Industry Friend Who Lost His Life In A Hijacking

Vuyolwethu Ngcukana Mourns An Industry Friend Who Lost His Life In A Hijacking. Every hour individuals lose their lives as a result of crime in this country. If you are not a victim, it has to be someone close to you, or someone you know.

Just a over a week ago, 5-year old Ditebogo Phalane was short and killed in a botched car hijacking. The criminals shot at the little boy in an attempt to steal his father’s backie. A couple of days after that two Sasko employees were shot dead, and money was taken from the, Sadly the criminals are still at large.

To be quite frank, no one is safe, and the stories we hear on a daily basis are scary. Vuyo Ngcukana has just taken to Twitter sharing how a friend of his lost his life during hijacking. According to the award winning actor, his friend and colleague by the name Sbu, was shot and killed by car hijackers. The distraught Vuyo, shared how back in the day, Sbu taught him everything he knows about operating a camera.

Yesterday a friend & colleague was shot & killed during a hijacking. Sbu was hardworking, diligent, kind, a complete gentleman. He’s the one person who taught me camera, lighting & refined my technique with movement on set (finding my light and camera) for 7 years It’s unreal,” Vuyo said.

Another industry friend Thembisa Nxumalo also shared how saddened she is about the loss.

I was just thinking about how he would rev the motorcycle at wrap time. It was always the sound that reminded everyone it’s time to go home. I’m still in such shock. He knew how to balance his love for his work and people, well. Ibuhlungu intando kaThixo ngamanye amaxesha, yho,” Thembisa responded to Vuyo’s tweet.

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