Check Out How Lawrence Maleka Hypes His Dating Show Too Hot to Be Single

Check Out How Lawrence Maleka Hypes His Dating Show Too Hot to Be Single. Now this is a man born for this presenting thing! Every show that Lawrence Maleka presents, instantly become a hit. Most people know him as Big Brother Mzansi and Big Brother Titans host. There is a number of shows that Lawrence have done though.
Lawrence has hosted such shows as The Gadget Show, Star Gist, Coca Cola Happiness, Lotto Powerball, Clash of the Choirs South Africa, Club 808 and The Final Cut among other. He slayed all these shows, although different in their own ways.
Lawrence also hosts a new show called Too Hot to Be Single. The modern-day dating game show is designed to find a match for people who rate themselves as hot property. Too Hot to Be Single uses recognizable methods from dating apps and social media. Set in studio, the show features a hot single looking for their forever Yena.
Six hopeful matches go through a series of trials to impress the singles. Segment by segment, the single eliminates options until there is one match.
As the host, Lawrence plays a very important part in the show getting viewership. He does the most with his impressive presenting skills, and now he is using social media trends. Trending on social media is Red Bull and Luella bag, thanks to one lady by the name Ntandokazi. The Xhosa lady, has left South African men drooling and envying her man because of her good manners and humility. She and her man were in a car, and they got to a fuel station. Ntandokazi then asked for her man to buy her a Red Bull. She was holding her Luella bag, hence why the two brands are trending.
Jumping in on the trend, Lawrence shared a clip of Too Hot to Be Single, and captioned it, “Are you looking to find your Redbull and Luella bag combo?”
Are you looking to find your Redbull and Luella bag combo? 👇🏽
— Lawrence (@Lawrence_Maleka) February 29, 2024