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Social Media Responds to Thembi Seete’s Explicit Scene In Adulting

Social Media Responds to Thembi Seete’s Explicit Scene In Adulting. For the longest time there has been a belief that sex sells. Hence why in many adverts, they always have a sexy woman as the model.

Our shows are no exceptions and a lot of them are filled with explicit content, probably to lure viewers. One show which has people talking in that regard is Adulting series. Season II is forever trending for it’s explicit sex scenes. This season shows us a different side of some of our local stars, one of which is Thembi Seete.

Thembi joined the Showmax series to play the role of Portia, a woman who is not your average housewife. Portia has a home and a family that she loves very much. She however is not satisfied with just being spoiled, she still want care, love and someone to come back home to you and say, ‘I missed you’. That’s the part that’s lacking in her life. Her husband gets into a whole lot of things, and does no good. This gets to a point where Portia feels like ‘I’m a woman and I also have needs.’ And this is when she decides, ‘I’m gonna take control of my life, my happiness and my needs.’ She goes out there to look for what’s missing in her life and she gets it. The best thing is, she’s paying for it and enjoying it at the same time.

A couple of weeks back, Thembi had her sex scene, and it got people talking. It wasn’t that hectic though, it’s just that viewers did no expect she can go that route. Recently though, she went in too deep, and a video of her character having sex is the talk of town. A lot of viewers (mostly her crushes) expressed their disappointment at seeing their fave in a sex scene.

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