5 Things Recruiters Want To See On Your Social Media Profile

Your Facebook postings might win over your friends—but they could also impress your future employers. It is a fact that some hiring managers will review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. Take a look at the list below on how recruiters are using social media to find qualified candidates in today’s digital and social age.
1. Personality or Behaviour
Recruiters are looking for someone who is a good fit technically, but, more importantly, there needs to be a great cultural fit, too. You might also want to consider keeping your political affiliation to yourself, since slightly over 1 in 6 recruiters said that was a potential negative.
2. Your creativity
How you choose to use the latest networking tools and technologies can say a lot about how social, savvy and skilled you are. Employers will be looking to see how innovative and original you are in what you do online.
3. Communication or writing skills
Well, you might want to take another read of what you’ve written: 66% of hiring managers said they would hold poor spelling and grammar against candidates.
4. Your network connections
Just as in real life, the better connected you are in the business world, the better your chances are of getting noticed. Recruiters use social sites to see whom you’re connected to, as well, so it’s wise to be strategic about whom you’re connecting yourself with on and offline.
5. Red Flags
Yes, it’s true that we live in the land of the free, but if you’re a job seeker looking for employment, you might want to reconsider the wisdom of practicing your right to freedom of speech on social media.