Joyous Celebration Is Looking For Talent…. Auditions Coming Soon!

MTN Joyous Celebration will hold auditions for their 20th installment at the end of the month until September when the Joyous 19 tour ends.
The auditions which happens annually, will be held in six cities and provinces. The hopefuls will have to book a spot to audition in the Joyous 19 Tour hosting cities within a week of the performance starting with Wits University in Joburg, followed by Port Elizabeth, Durban, Middleburg, Bloemfontein and Rustenburg.
“We are so pleased to be holding auditions in six cities and provinces searching for new talent to join our production as part of the Joyous 20 cast. There is so much talent in Mzansi and we are looking forward to adding some unique, new fresh talented vocalists and musicians to our choir and band to be introduced and unveiled to the South African public through the Joyous 20 production.” said the choir’s co-founder Lindelani Mkhize.
Interested individuals who wish to audition should first decide if they are auditioning as a vocalist ( soprano, alto, tenor, bass) or as a musician playing instrument. They must send an SMS with the words “auditions Gauteng vocal” or “auditions Gauteng instruments” to 38008 to register (sms cost R10).
They will then receive a reference number securing their registration. Short-listed and successful candidates will be informed in September and October.
The choir’s awaited Joyous 19 DVD titled ‘Back To the Cross’ will be recorded for 3 to 5 April at the Big Top Arena, Carnival City Eat, Johannesburg.