Top 6 Signs you’re dating a Gold-Digger

Women like to be treated like queens, with the occasional gift once in a while. It gives them something to show off to their friends with. However if gifts are all she wants, read through this list and see. You just might be dating a gold digger.
She never pays or even offers
You wouldn’t expect her to pay on the first date, but if two dates later she still hasn’t offered, she could be a gold digger. Some men would never let a woman pay for anything because they feel it’s their duty to do so, but the fact that she offers gives one the assurance that she is willing to spend money on you too. If she suddenly gets busy or pretends not to see the bill, that should raise a concern.
Less sentimental
If your idea of a romantic date is a picnic with hot dogs and cola, and a long stroll and hers is an expensive dinner at a restaurant with a name that’s hard to pronounce, with champagne and a surprise gift that sparkles, yep she’s a gold digger. Such women are not sentimental, they would rather have love be shown to them in material things (preferably expensive ones) rather than sentimental things like a poem.
The company she keeps
A person’s friends say a lot about the person she is because they are influential on her life.
She’s curious about your financial status
We all love a person who shows concern about your life because it shows that the person cares. However, if the concern is about your finances it should raise a red flag. A woman who does that is likely to be assessing if you are worth keeping around and how close they should stick to you purely for financial gain.
She has expensive habits that she can’t afford
Her job (if she has one) clearly does not pay her enough to have a collection of designer bags and a new Indian weave every month. She clearly is getting an extra income elsewhere, don’t be her second source.
Her perception of money
Ambition is great. It shows that a person has dreams and wants to better themselves. A gold digger has ambition too, but its more about money and has very little to do with working to gets it.
Mbali Radebe