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Penny Lebyane Finds a New Radio Home

Penny Lebyane Finds a New Radio Home. This is an exciting time of the year for radio. Our local radio stations are introducing their new lineups, introducing new talent, and sadly letting go of some of our a favorite personalities. Today, April 1st, we seen many of our veteran broadcasters such as Tbo Touch, Proverb as well as Khutso Theledi join new radio stations. Some radio stations have also introduced new comers such as Teboho Caddy Tsotetsi.

Another veteran broadcaster who has found a new radio home is Penny Lebyane. The talented media personality has returned back to SABC and is a new family member at Radio 2000. Penny will host Inspired Sundays, a new inspirational music driven magazine show every Sunday from 1500-1800. The show is all about those people who have beaten the odds, to make it in life.

Always the comeback kid… bouncing back like a tennis ball. @Radio2000_ZA@SABCPortal Thank you l am grateful for the opportunity to serve my generation,” Penny said in excitement.

Radio 2000 has scored itself a number of talented broadcasters to beef up their lineup. Joining Penny is Paul Mnisi and Mapaseka Mokwele, who will be bringing their massive experience to the SABC radio station. Mnisi will host Space and Time every Saturday from 12:00 to 15:00, while Mapaseka will bring listeners, Life, Love and All From Monday to Friday at 19:00-21:00,

Check out the new lineup below;


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