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“Enough of Cyber Bullying,” Nonku Williams Speaks Out

“Enough of Cyber Bullying,” Nonku Williams Speaks Out. Season II of Real Housewives of Durban has only aired one episode, but already the show has everyone talking. On season one Tell All, Nonku Williams‘ mom dropped a bombshell, when she demanded that Ayanda Ncwane should pay damages for Nonku’s daughter whose father is Sifiso.

That was the most comfortable scenario ever, which left the country shocked, and Ayanda emotional. It looks like the drama is continuing this year, despite Ayanda not being part of the show. This came about when one of the participants, Annie said what Nonku and her mother did the previous season was hurtful. Nonku immediately got on a victim mode saying people like to stick their noses where they don’t belong. She also said none of the ladies checked up on her after the season I drama.

Well, social media users, were not impressed by all this, and told Nonku off. Viewers called for the reality TV star and businesswoman to be taken off the show, together with her mom. Nonku then took to Instagram, to respond to the comments made on social media.

For a long time I have kept quiet and not responded to some of the most insinuating comments on social media but it’s time I speak up. I have a voice and as long as I have breath in my body I will never stop speaking and saying enough is enough..enough of cyber bullying, and people thinking they are entitled to someone’s life they know nothing about. The 20% of my life that people see on screens think entitles them to make judgements and conclusions about my life is beyond me and their level of reasoning. I can only conclude this by saying it’s a reflection of who they are and how they perceive themselves,” Nonku said.

She concluded by thanking those who continue to show her love, understand and support. As for those that think otherwise, Nonku thanks them as well because according to her, they serve as a reminder that helps her faith grow stronger.

We definitely can’t wait for more episodes, as this season proves to be fire.

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