Levels! Ntando Duma Is A New Home Owner

Levels! Ntando Duma Is A New Home Owner. Building a house is such a big deal, but building two in a space of moths is a boss move. Congratulations are in order for Ntando Duma, who managed to pull that off. The talented actress ad media personality has just unveiled her new house.
A few months ago, the talented actress and media personality announced on social media that she was in the process of building her mother a house. Ntando shared pictures of the construction site, and it was evident that the project was nearing the finish line. In April she came to social media again to show off the finished house. Ntando regarded this as the proudest and biggest highlight of her existence.
After making her mother proud, Ntando then concentrated on her own project. She has been building her house since February 2020, and now it is all finished. She stated that he r daughter Sbahle, who has bee waiting for the house to finish is over the moon.
“I’ve been building my house since Feb last year and I’m so glad it is finally done. There’s no one who’s as ecstatic as Sbahle right now. Kunini yalinda ingane yam bakithi,” Ntando said.