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Siphesihle Ndaba Shares Her Thoughts On The Teddy/Manzi Storyline #Gomora

Siphesihle Ndaba Shares Her Thoughts On The Teddy/Manzi Storyline. Although it’s just acting, the dramas and telenovelas on TV always show us what is really happening in the real world. It goes without saying that Goomora nails it when it comes to relatable storylines. The Msanzi Magic telenovela recently introduced Manzi character, which is played by Sihle Ndaba.

When announcing her role, the talented actress and singer did mention that, Manzi is going to ruffle some feathers. Manzi is a new teacher at Gomora High School, and she is already having a sexual relationship with one of the students Teddy (Sicelo Buthelezi). Unfortunately, the sex is not consensual, leaving Teddy devastated and depressed for days.

This storyline has opened up a very interesting conversation. It goes on to show that men can also be victims of sexual violence. Sadly, it is a taboo topic to touch, because of the society we live in. Actress Siphesihle Ndaba, joined in on the conversation and shared her topic on the issue. She hopes the storyline will stimulate a necessary and long overdue discourse in our communities.

“I hope the Teddy/Manzi storyline stimulates a necessary + long overdue discourse in our communities. Thereโ€™s so much silencing around this topic,” Cee Cee said.

Viewer of Gomora also took to Twitter to share their views on the topic.



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