12 Content Ideas To Share On Your Business’ Social Media Platforms

12 Content Ideas To Share On Your Business’ Social Media Platforms. Your personal social media accounts are different from your business ones. On your personal account, you can share almost everything you want to share. When it comes to the business accounts though, one has to be smart and careful. Remember your aim is to draw clients, a better reach, major brands, investors and so forth.
The following, are just some of the content ideas you can share with your followers on your business social media account.
1. Do Live videos
Consider posting live video updates to your social channels. A lot of people would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog post. This is a great idea for launch events or press conferences. You can also use Facebook Live or Twitter Live to host a preview event for upcoming products or to stage a live demonstration of your services.
2. Share Product Photos
Get creative and find new ways to share photos of your products online. These photos shouldn’t look like the simpler ones in an online store. Have fun! Group products together, photograph them against interesting backgrounds, or deconstruct them to show them in a new way. Make sure that any product photos you share fit in seamlessly with your brand aesthetic, especially on visual platforms like Instagram.
3. Share Customer Photos
Search your own hashtags and user names on the different social media platforms your organization uses. Chances are good that someone, somewhere has posted a photo of themselves using your product or service. These posts are another great way to thank your customers, and provide new content to be shared on your own account (with permission, of course!).
4. Run a Contest or Giveaway
People can’t resist the power of “free.” Running the occasional contest is one of the most impactful social media ideas when it comes to potential engagement from followers. Ideally, the prize for your contest should somehow be related to your brand.
5. Post Company News
Share exciting news about your organization on your social media feeds. But make sure to personalize it. For example, you could share a photo of your team celebrating winning a big new client or an industry award, or introducing a new product or an important hire, instead of just posting a link to the press release.
6. Take Advantage of Trending Topics
Sometimes the best social media ideas come to you when you least expect them. Trending topics on Twitter and Facebook represent a way for brands to capitalize on topical content. While you have a limited window of opportunity for such content to be relevant, topical posts can score huge numbers.
7. Respond to Your Followers
Expanding on the concept of social media as a conversation, brands should always be willing to talk back to their followers. Your audience’s time is incredibly valuable and taking the time to respond shows that you care. Whether it’s praise, a customer concern or just someone looking to say “Hello,” your responses can speak volumes about your brand.
8. Share a Milestone
Brands should be willing to celebrate their success and victories with the followers. Featured in a major publication? Reach a sales goal? Stoked about a new hire? Finally upgraded to that swanky downtown office? Let your followers know. Sharing these moments with your audience shows your human side while signaling your brand’s growth.
9. Behind-The-Scenes Looks
Your followers are interested in what you do, so share a little bit of information about that with them. Your social channels are a great place to share photos and videos that show people something they wouldn’t otherwise see.Use your social media pages to post videos that show your office or workplace events. Give followers a photographic peek into the creative process behind your work.
10. Post Your Staff
It can take years to build trust in your brand, but showcasing real people who work at your company can build a personal connection with your audience much more quickly. Try featuring posts by a few of your employees or posts featuring your employees to personalize your social media feeds and share different voices. Your followers will appreciate being able to put a literal face to your brand, which helps them feel more connected to what you do and offer.
11. Conduct a Social Media Takeover
Sometimes injecting some new life into your social feeds means letting someone else take over. Takeovers put the reigns of your social accounts in someone else’s hands, usually for a period of 24 hours. Handing off your social presence to an influencer or celebrity with a massive, active audience is a prime way to get your brand in front of some new faces,.
12. Share Client Feedback
It might seem like you only ever hear about things going wrong, but chances are you have received flattering feedback or reviews from a client. Ask those clients if you can share a quote from that feedback on your social media accounts, or offer regular customers a discount for their feedback and then share it. It’s a great way to highlight positive experiences from real-life customer interactions.