eNCA’s News Anchor Shahan Ramkissoon Tests Positive for COVID-19

eNCA’s News Anchor Shahan Ramkissoon Tests Positive for COVID-19. Another well known personality has confirmed that they have tested positive for Covid-19. eNCA news anchor Shahan Ramkisson broke the news about his results on social media.
Ramkissoon told his fans an followers that although his results came out positive, he is in good health and is self isolating.
“Today I tested positive for COVID-19. I’m in good health and in self-isolation. I’ll be off air for two weeks and I will overcome this.
‘We live by Faith, not by Sight.’ 2 Corinthians 5:7,” he announced.

According to eNCA, Ramkisson started feeling ill last week and was advised to go for testing on Friday. His results came back on Monday, 22 June 2020.
“He will remain off-air and in self-isolation until the end of the stipulated 14-day period“, eNCA said in a statement.
Ramkisson is part of a team based in the channel’s Johannesburg office isolation studio that was set up eight weeks ago as part of the broadcaster’s disaster management plan.
All staff members on the affected shift, based in the isolation studio, have been sent home to self-isolate.