Social Media Users React to Moshe Ndiki Arranging a Funeral Service for His Dog

Social Media Users React to Moshe Ndiki Arranging a Funeral Service for His Dog. A couple of days ago, Moshe Ndiki lost his beloved dog, Sugar Ndiki. The devastated Moshe took to social media to share his grief as well as the funeral details of his dog.
Those who follow Moshe, knows how big a part Sugar played in his life. The media personality, actor and comedian made sure, Sugar had the best life that even human beings wished for. The dog went to school, frequently visited the spar, went to fancy restaurants among other activities.
Sadly Sugar is no more, and as expected Moshe is shattered. To honor and celebrate the amazing life that Sugar lived, Moshe hosted a funeral fit for an extra ordinary dog. He engaged the services on Nono Events, which went all out in terms of decoration. White balloons and white candles were part of the decor, making the whole service spectacular.
“Beautiful and amazing send off for my baby,”
Thank you to everyone that sent condolences , attended the funeral and sent us heartwarming messages, you’re truly appreciated, thank you to my friends and family for understanding my pain and how much I loved my pup , @sugarndiki always and forever,” Moshe said in appreciation.
As expected, Moshe’s gesture to host a funeral for his dog is the talk of town. Many people are shocked at this, saying Moshe could have used the money for things like charity. Others however, feel that dogs are pets that suddenly become a part of the family, and losing one equates to losing a family member.