10 Effective Ways To Reduce Stress

Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life and get you a diagnosis.
1. Unplug Yourself from the Office
Learn to fully knock off from work including when you’re at home. If you can, avoid taking work home. But if you have to, each night set 30 minutes for e-mail. When the time’s up, turn off the device and put it out of sight. Hitting the sack with work on your brain makes it tough to transition into sleep mode, so put the kibosh on all business-related correspondence at least an hour before turning in.
2. Take It Outside
Mother Nature may be the ultimate antidepressant. Exposure to natural light can increase levels of the mood-lifting chemical serotonin. Spending time outdoors is hugely important in preventing depression. The expansive space, colours, and fresh air can all help your brain relax.
3. Find a Balance Between Rest and Activity
When the weekend finally arrives, sometimes you’re so determined to have fun that you try to cram in 147 things before Monday. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as you set at least 30minutes to an hour to just relax. Try using the time to read listen to music, or sip a cup of tea. Don’t watch TV unless there’s a show you really want to see. Even though watching TV seems like a great way to zone out, mindless surfing actually stimulates your nervous system and affects your ability to relax.
4. Plan Long Weekends
To get the most out of an extended weekend, you have to get a change of scenery. Physical separation can lead to mental separation from stress factors. Check into a nearby B&B for a night, go on an all-day hike, or even just visit a new restaurant across town.
5. Get a Hobby
Keeping your hands busy settles your mind. Summertime activities that require repetitive motion, such as barbecuing (place burger on grill, flip, serve, repeat) or gardening (dig, plant, water, repeat), can lower blood pressure and heart rate. You zone in on the task in front of you, taking your mind off looming deadlines and other upcoming events. To get the most out of your sessions, keep your sessions brief.
6. Stop Tension In Its Tracks
1. Go on a tear. According to research, ripping paper to shreds offers serious relief. Hearing a satisfying rip gives you something to focus on, and the physical act of shredding something without causing real harm releases tension.
2. Share a joke. Cracking up increases feel-good endorphins and decreases stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine.
3. Just breathe. Achieve inner peace with this quick breathing exercise. Think of an image that makes you feel calm, then close your eyes and take eight deep breaths, paying attention to the air filling your chest. Exhale with a sigh, imagining all the tension in your body evaporating. Slow breaths help reduce stress hormones in the body and a calmer you is a happier you.
7. Meditation
Meditation, or mindfulness, only takes 15 to 30 minutes a day, which is possible even in a packed schedule. It’s also incredibly affordable, considering the only tool you need is your own mind. Just give yourself some silent time to let your thoughts run free or just focus on your breathing. That small amount of peace in your day can help you deal with or even release stress.
8. Organise your life
Organisation offers a sense of control and peace of mind, and there’s a number of ways you can improve in this regard. If you’re the kind of person who’s always running around, it can help to make lists so that you remember everything. If you’re the kind of person who feels edgy in their own house, tidy up. Studies have shown the mere sight of clutter can put us on edge.
9. Eat healthy
It’s actually been proven that junk food can make us depressed and fat. So clean up your diet. Healthy foods like whole grains and protein can improve your mood and give you long-lasting energy to tackle everything that comes your way during the day. Foods that are especially effective for stress-busting include blueberries, salmon and almonds, according to scientists. Also, put down that extra cup of coffee. While studies have shown that some coffee during the day can offer health benefits, too much caffeine will make you jittery and anxious, and eventually lead to a crash.
10. Exercise
Whether it’s yoga, Tai Chi or running, exercise works much in the same way as meditation because it gives you the time to be alone with your thoughts or an opportunity to let them go. However, exercise also has the added benefit of releasing endorphins into the brain, which improves your mood. It also prevents obesity and other health problems, giving you less to be stressed about.