AKA Gives All The “Mr Know It Alls” A Piece Of His Mind

Another day and another story. Wonder who took to twitter to express his frustration? It’s non either than the Hip Hop “King” himself, AKA. We are not surprised at all to see him burst out as “usual”. Yesterday, the rapper took to twitter giving his piece of mind. From the tweets, we saw an angry rapper.
So as usual, AKA is onto something and the fight won’t end anytime soon. The rapper just went all crazy after seeing tweets from fans who were asking innocently about his future collaborations and before we know it , the rapper lost it. Someone please call “anger management” for him? We do understand that he meant to silence all the fans who get on his nerves. But is it all necessary AKA? Come on!
The rapper tells it like it is and at any given time. Should we be worried about AKA though? Since almost everything to do with him has beef written all over.
Just see for yourself…….
And it never stops……