5 Proactive Ways To Be A Reliable Person

Being reliable is an important building block in the foundation of your life. We have all experienced reliable and unreliable people . We admire the reliable, and avoid the unreliable. So how do you become a person worthy of admiration? Here are 10 maxims to live by to become a reliable person.
1. Live up to your promises
2. Own up to your mistakes
3. Don’t leave other people hanging
If you make a promise that you can’t meet because of truly terrible and unforeseen circumstances, let the person know as soon as possible. Bite the bullet and do not wait until the last minute to tell them that you can not do it. If you are late, call ahead to let the person know that when you will meet instead of letting them wonder where you are.
4. Be consistent
Consistency is a huge part of reliability. People who lack consistency fail to gain the trust of others. The reliable man develops consistency by setting goals for himself that stretch and challenge him, but are doable day after day.
5. Be honest
Deceiving others is not simply a matter of lying, cheating, and stealing. It can be in a look or a gesture. We can tell a lie by omission or when we pass along gossip. Anything that leads people to believe something that isn’t true is dishonest.