
10 Signs It’s Time To Call It Quits In Your Relationship

10 Signs It’s Time To Call It Quits In Your Relationship. Calling it quits is easier when it was never love. Yet, even then many of us find it difficult to let go. It’s never more difficult, however, than when the person you’re considering giving up on is someone you did love. Maybe still do love. Here are 10 signs its time you put yourself first.

1. Lack Of Respect

Respect is the foundation of every good relationship, romantic or other. Both of you deserve to be treated with love, compassion, and understanding. You’re both equals. If it’s clear that he or she doesn’t see you as such, then you need to get out of there as soon as possible.

2. No Forgiveness

If your partner refuses to forgive and won’t work on the relationship over a period of time, it could be time to walk away. The communication may have broken down over the years, and now it seems a mess. Try to enlist a mediator, to help communicate, if not this may be the end if both parties can’t meet in the middle.

3. Lack Of Attraction

You’re not blushing like a shy school girl with a crush. No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop thinking about how much ugly he gets by the minute. This will not change, unless he gets plastic surgery and you will not stop noticing this.

4. They Have Become Distant

Once upon a time, your significant other used to always text, call, Skype, or email you. Face it, no one is that busy, and remember how quickly they would respond before? If they don’t respond like they used to, you may end up feeling unappreciated. Distance is usually a pretty clear sign that your S.O. doesn’t care the way they once did.

5. Lack Of Communication

You end up feeling frustrated, angry, and hurt whenever you try to talk them. They don’t answer your calls like they used to, or call you as often. If your  partner always took your call and suddenly you’re listening to voicemail way more than you ever have, face it and don’t leave a message. There is a complete disconnect and no resolution; take it for what it is, you deserve to be happy.

6. When “We” Becomes “Me”

Has your partner made a decision without even considering you or your feelings? Suddenly date night is canceled and work is more of a priority than you are. Or he decides to hang out with his friends all weekend and completely ignores you. Things come up in life, but, if this becomes a pattern, understand there is something else taking priority.

7. You Never Mention The Future

If you and your loved one never talk about anything that may happen more than a month into the future, then you may be avoiding it because you can’t imagine being with your significant other for much longer. Whether you’re the one feeling this way, or you’re noticing that your partner feels this way, it’s just a sign to call it quits. If you can’t picture the future together, there’s no point in staying in the present.

8. Your Partner Constantly Threatens To Leave

No matter the argument or fight, you disagree with your partner and they respond threatening you with a breakup, it’s time to go. Run for the door and don’t fall into this trap. If they want you in their life they will chase after you. You should never have to beg! Ever.

9. You Fight Constantly

A spat of words in a relationship is a great way to vent and can actually be healthy; after all, it shows you both still care. If you get to a point, however, when you can no longer resolve the issues and just fight all the time, you need to think about how you want to continue. If you find you both still have the desire to sort things out, you could be in with a chance of reviving your relationship. If there’s no want, then unfortunately, there’s no relationship.

10. Abuse

This is the ultimate deal breaker and you don’t have to compromise. If they constantly curse, berate you or hit you, then leave. Ask a friend or family member to help you get out of an abusive relationship.

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