
5 Tips To Follow When You Transition To Natural Hair

5 Tips To Follow When You Transition To Natural Hair. Many women across the world are making natural hair fashionable again. But transitioning from using chemicals to going natural is not an easy ride. Many have failed and went back to relaxing and using extensions. The following tips will help you as you embark on a journey to go natural.

1. Stop All Chemical Treatments

The first step to transitioning to natural hair is to stop chemically relaxing or treating your hair. This will allow your hair to begin growing with its natural texture, though the hair that you have already chemically relaxed will be permanently straightened.

2. Do A Big Chop

The easiest way to transition to natural hair is to cut off all chemically relaxed hair. This will help you avoid that abrupt change in textures between the relaxed hair and your natural hair growing in. However, doing a big chop will mean sacrificing length and getting a short cut to remove the relaxed hair.

3. Wear A Weave

If you want to grow out your natural hair but don’t want to sacrifice your length, you can get a weave or hair extensions as you wait for your hair to grow. The weave will conceal the radical change in your hair texture and give you the long hair that you want. When your natural hair has grown to your desired length, you can remove the weave, chop off the relaxed hair, and continue growing out your natural hair.

4. Wear Your Hair In Protective Styles

To conceal the transition between your straightened hair and natural hair, you can also wear your hair in braids, cornrows, or other protective styles until your hair has grown long enough that you feel comfortable cutting off the relaxed hair. These hairstyles have the advantage of being low maintenance while still maintaining the length of your hair.

5. Use Silk Or Satin Pillowcases

A lot of damage can happen at nighttime when your hair rubs against your pillow, absorbing moisture from the hair and causing breakage. A solution to this problem is to use either silk or satin pillowcases, which create much less friction and do not absorb the moisture from your hair. You can also wrap your hair in a silk or satin scarf at night for the same effect

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