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10 Creative Ways To Celebrate The Women In Your Life This August

10 Creative Ways To Celebrate The Women In Your Life This August. August is Women’s Month in which we take time to celebrate fierce ladies who pioneered South Africa’s women’s movement towards freedom and equality. In August1956, nearly 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings in protest against Pass Laws, which restricted the freedom of movement of women. This historic march was a turning point for women in the struggle for freedom towards being equal partners in South Africa. Here are some ways to encourage, support, and celebrate the great women in your life.

1.  Encourage Self-love

Encouraging women that they are capable of anything and to go after their dreams creates female empowerment. Looking at one’s reflection in the mirror and saying things such as “I’m strong” and “I’m smart,” even when one doesn’t feel that way, helps women to slowly but surely start believing in themselves and build self-empowerment.

2. Volunteer For An Organization That Helps Women

There are many great options for this, but you’ll have to look in your area to find something that works for you. Look for women’s shelters, organizations that help women find employment and education opportunities, women’s foundations.

3. Read A Biography About An Awesome Woman

The battle for women’s literacy was a long and bitter one, but not one to be forgottenA great way to embrace Women’s Month is to immerse yourself in the lives of great women who have achieved great things in social, political, artistic and economic fields.

4. Start A Conversation

Inspire others around your networks about the significance of this month by writing an article, publishing a blog post, or posting on social media. Whether it be a thank you post to the inspiring women in your life or a informative article about gender parity in your community, amplify your voice and take a stance.

5. Saying ‘Thank You’

They are two simple words, but the meaning of appreciation and gratitude goes far. Thank your mother, daughter, wife, sister, and teacher – all of the women who have had a hand in your life.

6. Stand Up For Equality In The Workplace

Other ways to empower women is by offering equal opportunities. This allows young girls to realize they can take on any career field, get equal pay as men and that does so much to boost their confidence. This helps then to not grow up defeated and thinking ‘OK well I can’t do that only guys are meant to do that’.

7. Support Their Goals And Dreams

Offering your support of their goals and dreams is important. You’re telling them that you will be there, encouraging them, cheering them on as they go for that managing position, or decide to be a stay-at home mom, or possibly planning to beat some crazy World Record. They know that you’re along for the ride.

8. Share The Workload

Women perform at least two-and-a-half times more unpaid household and caregiving work than men. In countries around the world, that includes cooking, cleaning, fetching water and firewood, and tending to children and the elderly.  Encourage everyone in your life to split all unpaid work equally between men and women so that women can “thrive, rest, work, and feel empowered.

9. Offer A Day Of Pampering

A spa day can be quite relaxing. But pampering doesn’t necessarily have to be a massage or pedicure. Give the women in your life a day of pure fun. Everything they need to get done, take care of it for them. Then leave them to a day spent with friends, a night of dinner and dancing, or a romantic spur-of-the-moment getaway.

10. Show The Women In Your Life Love, Respect And Support

Write a letter, send a text or make a phone call to tell the women in your life why they matter. Tell your mom how she shaped your perception of women; let your wife know how she has proven to you the strength that women carry; tell your friend how proud you are of her pursuing her passion. Find the things that inspire you about the women you know and make your appreciation heard.

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