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Pics: DJ Fresh Shows Off New Tattoos

Pics: DJ Fresh Shows Off New Tattoos. When it comes to body art, The Big Dawg is in his own league. DJ Fresh has added new tattoos on his back. The tattoos feature his 3 year old Son Lefika, his late grandfather Kgosi Mmipi Of Metsimotlhabe and the late former president of Botswana Sir Ketumile Johnny Masire.


In 2015, Fresh filled his African map outlined tattoo with faces of prominent African leaders such as former presidents; South Africa’s Nelson Mandela, Botswana’s Seretse Khama and Mozambique’s Samora Machel. He later went on to add Congolese leader, Patrice Émery Lumumba and founding father of Tanzania, Julius Kambarage Nyerere.

He went on to add former President of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara; 17th century Angolan queen, Ana de Sousa Nzinga Mbande and former Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie.

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