
5 Reasons You Need A Mentor

5 Reasons You Need A Mentor. Most of us need someone who will guide us and provide all the support we need. The role of a mentor is not to tell you what to do or to do all the work for you. They are just there to make sure that you’re on the right track and to also make sure that when you fall, you pick yourself up and keep moving forward. You can have more than one mentor for different areas of your life; a career/business mentor, personal mentor and spiritual mentor. Here are 5 reasons why it is important to have one.

1. To Achieve Same Goals As Them

It is always advisable to be mentored by someone who is already doing what you want to do because they are knowledgeable in that particular field and they will be able to advise you accordingly. They have already achieved what you want to achieve and they will be able to show you how they did it and if you want, you can follow in their footsteps or you can just get some lessons from their story.

2. To Confide In And Not Feel Judged

You can talk to your friends and family about a number of things but sometimes when you do that, you might feel like they’re judging you or if you were talking to them about your goals and dreams you might feel ridiculed; you might feel like they don’t get you and that they don’t really understand your vision. That’s where a mentor comes in. You can talk to them about anything and they will be there to listen and offer sound advice.

3. To Open Doors For You

A good mentor will open doors for you that you never even knew existed. They will introduce you to their contacts and help you network with people who will help you achieve what you want to achieve. We live in an era where having good relations with people from different spheres of life is mandatory. If you really want to be successful you need to go out there and meet people who are already doing what you want to do and a mentor will help you a lot with that.

4. To Cheer You Up When Times Get Tough

The road to success is not smooth at all. There are so many challenges that one has to face along the way and when you come across those challenges it’s either you turn them into lessons and move on or you let them destroy you. When you have someone who will cheer you up and motivate you to keep going no matter what you go through it becomes much easier not to give up and to choose to turn your challenges into lessons. A mentor will help you a lot with that. They will be your personal cheerleader.

5. To Help You Set Clear Goals

If you really want to turn all your dreams into reality, you just can’t afford to do things haphazardly. You need to have clear goals and have a clear plan of action. Sometimes when you have exciting dreams you get carried away and you come to a point where you just want to do everything all at once so your mentor will be very helpful in that case because they will help you set clear goals and make sure that you achieve them one step at a time.

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