KZN Dept Of Public Works Is Offering Internship Opportunities 2017

Applications are invited from unemployed graduates residing in the KwaZulu -Natal Province so as to gain practical work experience In following operations of the department.
The Internship Programme offers students that have already received a certificates of completion from the academic institution practical experience in the work place to increase their employment opportunities. The internship programme will run for a period of one (1) year.
The stipend for the Internships is as follows:
- Applicants with Bachelor’s Degrees In the built environment will receive R21 .856 per month.
- Applicants with a BCom (Accounting) will receive an amount of R4989.51 per month.
A total of 17 internship opportunities are available to applicants in possession of Bachelors Degrees in the following fields based at the Head Office in Pietermaritzburg:
- Mechanical Engineering — Ret No ME08/2016 — (2x Interns)
- Structural Engineering — Pet No SE 08/2016 — (3x Interns)
- Electrical Engineering — Ret No EE 08/2016 — (3x Interns)
- Architecture — Ref No Arc08/2016 — (2x Interns)
- Quantity Surveying — Ret No 050812016 (2x Interns)
- Bachelor at Commerce (Accounting) — Ref No BCom08/2016 (5x Interns)
Applicants must satisfy the following requirements:
Provide a CV and certified proof of the qualification they have obtained. Be unemployed and only applicants who have never served an internship previously will be considered. Provide an affidavit ¡0 this respect signed by a Commissioner of Oaths. Should be between 18 and 35 years of age. Must be South African citizens residing in KwaZulu-Natal . Must provide proof of residential address (original municipality account, bank statement, original letter from Tribal Authority Or Councillor). Preference will be given to youth in the rural areas, especially women and people with a disability.
Notes and instructions to applicants: Successful applicant/s will be required 10 enter into a contract with the Department. The Department is under no obligation to employ the Intern on completion of the programme. All applicants must have a bank account into Which the stipend will be paid, They will also be required to submit a tax reference number, obtainable from the South African Revenue Services (SARS)
How To Apply
Applications for the internship programme must be submitted with completed and signed CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Z83 Application Forms quoting the reference number indicated above. The application form must be accompanied by a CV, certified copies of all qualifications, including statements of credit and Identity Document.
A separate application form must be provided for each position applied for. Failure to abide by the above instruction will render the applicant disqualified.
Interested candidates should forward their applications with the full details of the following address:
Dept of Public Works, Human Resource Management, Private Bag x9041, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 for the attention of Mrs BG Mahlaba or may be hand delivered to 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg