5 Types Of People You Need To Help You Succeed In Life

There are things you can do alone and this could take you to where you want to be fast. But there are things you need to do with others, that will take you on the further road to success. The problem is in your ability to distinguish between those people you really need to help you to further your desires and those who cannot.
Here are 5 Types Of People You Need To Help You Succeed In Life:
1. The loyalist
The loyalist sees you for your strengths and is a full time supporter of your cause. They want you to succeed and to them you can do no wrong on this journey to reach your goals. They have your back at any hour and would go to great lengths to help you succeed. They may not be consistent in your life but when you need them they would always come to the party. The thing about the loyalist is that they are there for you all the way, and they rarely retreat, even in the face of ridicule. They believe in you and your dreams and will always be a loyal companion.
2. The die-hard optimist
When you are overwhelmed with challenges and obstacles, you need this kind of person to help you see the positive angle from where you are standing. A positive view is one that takes you in the right direction and helps you focus on results rather than your limitations. The die-hard optimist may be a dreamer or a philosopher but they definitely want to know that everything will work out for your own good after all.
3. The mentor
Everyone knows the value of a mentor in becoming successful. The mentor is who has the experience and has sailed through the journey of success. They certainly have made mistakes and have lessons from them which they can impart you with. They are concerned about your growth and are willing to provide advice, guidance and perspective as you go through your journey.
“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” – Steven Spielberg
4. The devil’s advocate
As much as you need someone who is willing to dream with you and make such dreams seem effortless, you also need the devil’s advocate. The devil’s advocate is one who looks at a goal logically and critically and identifies any weakness in it. Yes this may not be a pleasurable role for anyone, as they say the truth is always hurting. However you need such person around you since they will help you identify the thorns in the rose.
5. The inspirational figure
What separates this role from that of the mentor is that the inspirational figure could be more of the role model rather than one who simply guides you through the hurdles of success. The inspirational figure can be more distant from you, but they’re solid in deeds and character. Yet they will serve as the ideal model for you to follow.