Intersexions Monologues That Will Change Your Life

We all know that narrator on Intersexions that makes you question your existence. The truth he speaks could keep one off sex for the rest of their life. But knowing humans, it never lasts. Even after watching an entire series practically showing you how you can get infected. We put together a list of 10 monologues from the series that will not only get you thinking but will also keep you alert about your status and how you act as far as protecting yourself.
1. “I love sex, Sex is the power, Sex is the mystery, without sex, we’d never meet.”
2. “Just in case you missed it, my name is Vee meaning HIV, and what I want is you.”
3. “Sex isn’t just about the physical act. Its power. It’s giving up or giving in. Its revenge or affirmation. Its love, it’s a mistake. Sex has meaning and whatever you feel about it depends on whatever is going on in your head at the time.”
4. “You can lie to yourselves. You can lie to each other. You can run and you can hide. But truth has a way of pushing through the smallest cracks. The question is whether it comes out before or after I have paid you a visit.”
5. “…the only tricky thing about secrets is how they come out.”
6. It all starts with a single lie, and like a stone dropped in a pond creates ripples that spread further and further than anyone could have imagined.”
7. “Being the good girl who didn’t get the guy, so now it’s time to be the bad girl. Live in the moment, now that’s the type of attitude I love. Because when you don’t can’t care about your future, your future is me.”
8. “Your minds are these incredible complex warp machines that basically cease to function when sex is involved.”
9. “You’re more than happy to swop bodily fluids, but to swop actual truths? Never. People would get hurt that way. So you get caught up in this chain reaction of self destruction. All the while hurting the very people you claim to be protecting. And some of you even keep secrets from yourselves, that a skill right there.”
10. “Parents keep up the secrets. Works better for me in the long run.”