
10 Reasons Why We Think Minnie Dlamini Will Make A Great Talk Show Host

Rumors have been going around that Minnie Dlamini will be part of a panel of presenters for a talk show which is set to replace Noleen’s 3talk show. Although Minnie hasn’t confirmed anything yet, if there’s any truth to it, here are the reasons why we think she will kill it as a talk show host.


1. Humor

Hosting a talk show means you get to interview different characters, with her good sense of humor and  fun personality, Minnie can handle any situation.

2. Focus

We all know how serious Minnie can get when it comes to her job. She doesn’t seem to get caught up or lost, her focus remains the same in any situation.

3. Assertiveness

Miss Minnie is not the one to be bullied or just go by what other people say, the lady knows how to stand up for herself.

4. Represent something

As someone on such a platform, you have to represent or stand up for something. We have seen Minnie support many charities and stand up for causes like stopping bullying and encouraging education.

5. Confidence

Minnie exudes confidence. She knows who she is and is comfortable with herself and makes everybody feel the same. Usually, confidence is everything and more.

6. Intellectual curiosity

To be a great talk show host you’re required to think on your feet. Minnie is a smart, intelligent young lady, we won’t see no awkward TV moments here.

7. Technical Ability

You can have all the charm and knowledge but if you don’t know how to look in  the camera and all the different angles, it just looks forced and awkward. This won’t be Minnie’s first time on TV. So, being in front of the camera comes natural to her.

8. Class Act

Minnie is the definition of a class act, she’s very professional and everything she does is done in perfection.

9. Relate-able

Hosting a talk show requires you to be a people’s person, you must be humble and people should relate to you.  Now we all know miss Minnie has that type of personality. She is approachable too.

10. Gracious

Being gracious and presenting yourself well is important and miss Minnie does this too well. We have no doubt she will nail it and make us fall in love with her even more.

This is just everything and we are confident that Minnie Dlamini will definitely shut this project down! Show them what you are made of girl.

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