Advice Corner

10 Ways To Live Life For Yourself, Rather Than Others

In life, you have two choices as to whom you are living for. You can either live for yourself or you can live for others. We often try to look, speak and act like those around us.  As a result, many people stay stuck in their shells, afraid to let their real selves be seen for fear of judgement or ridicule by the herd. However, even though there is a human tendency to want to “fit in,” there are a number of ways to live life for yourself, rather than others.

Happy young African American woman with a beautiful smile relaxing on a sofa in her living room smiling at the camera
Happy young African American woman with a beautiful smile relaxing on a sofa in her living room smiling at the camera

1. Learn to say no

Teach yourself to say “no” when someone asks you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

2. Be true to yourself

You’re willing to let go of relationships that no longer serve you.  Instead of keeping up appearances, you prefer to have authentic relationships.

3. Think about your happiness

Always make a conscious decision for yourself as to what you choose to do with each and every moment of your life. This is what is means to truly live for yourself.

4. Be a leader

Think of yourself as a silent leader. You can still help others without overdoing things. Your vision is a collection of your values. The way you want to live and give.

5. Speak your mind

You’re willing to speak your mind, even if you know your thoughts may be judged by others.

6. You are comfortable with being yourself

You’ve disappointed your parents, teacher, boss or other authority figure by following your heart rather than following the rules or expectations.

7. You fight for your beliefs

You’ve come to your own conclusions on subjects like politics and religion, and your political and/or religious views may be very different from the ones you were raised with.

8. You are not afraid of being different

You’ve pursued a hobby or a job you are passionate about, even though other people think it is weird, unrealistic or ridiculous.

You dress out of personal preference rather than to fit in.  Perhaps you dress differently than most of the people in your circle or peer group.

10. Know and love yourself

By knowing yourself you will come to know a deep unconditional love for yourself. And, if you do not love yourself, how do you ever expect to truly love another? It is only by truly loving yourself that you will ever be able to love others.

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