5 Things Every Entrepreneur In Their 20’s Must Know
ONE thing is clear, startups are continuing to dominate. Entrepreneurs are using their visions and abilities to overturn industries. But for all that makes entrepreneurs different, the successful ones share one common practice: they are able to learn and adapt while making their vision a reality.
Here are 5 things every entrepreneurs in their 20’s must know…..
1. It’s ok to be different
Artists and entrepreneurs are often dissected into distinct professional breeds, but the two share a lot in common. The inner urgency urgency to create in an artist mirrors the inner urgency to start up in a founder.
2. Stop making excuses and get down to business
It’s easy to come up with reasons why you won’t succeed. It also ensures that you never will. With the exception of a select few, most entrepreneurs start with few connections, no funding and no huge competitive advantage aside from their idea, their own intelligence, their passion and their hustle.
3. Big risks are sometimes worth taking
Risk-taking is almost synonymous with entrepreneurship. To start and support your own business, you’ll have to put your career, personal finances and even your mental health at stake. For most, the prospect of making your own decisions and being in charge of your own destiny is worth it. But if you’re going to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to be prepared for the risks and challenges that come with it.
4. Not to take business personally
One of the reasons that we all take things personally is because we lose perspective. While personal attacks hurt, most of them simply don’t have the same raw feeling weeks and months later. A question you should ask is, “Will I still care about this a year from now?” If yes, it’s likely worth your concern. If not (and more often this will be the case) it helps you get beyond the emotion of the moment.
5. Not to sell himself short
Without a crystal clear view of your identity, it will be difficult to survive the pressure and ridicule. Get to know yourself more. Spend time meditating, writing out your feelings, and organizing your thoughts before you make any big decisions.