Celeb News

Challenges Faced By SA’s Most Popular Celebs Before Making It Big

You’ve heard it before: “If at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Sometimes you may feel like that’s just a saying, but it is absolutely not. These 10 incredible stories below show how even horrible tragedies and setbacks can help fuel a drive for success. These celebs have been through the grinder, and came out even better than before. Their stories stress one of the most important lessons of all: Never ever give up. Scroll through the list to see the challenges faced by SA’s most popular celebrities before making it big!!



“Rejection. Anyone will tell you, breaking into the industry is very hard. One will encounter plenty of rejection before you’re given a break. The ones who persevere the most are the ones who are most likely to make it and survive.”



“I wouldn’t call them difficulties. Or at least I didn’t see them in that way. By the grace of God, my first casting ever was the beginning of it all for me. I auditioned for the very first time for an advert I was certain I wouldn’t get and when I got the call that I got the ad, that opened doors to amazing opportunities that till this day are flooding in because of that very ad. So I haven’t had any difficulties thus far BUT I have experienced the power of rejection of which I appreciate more than anything. It makes me want it even more. I always say that it is very unsafe travelling through life without ever having experienced the power of ‘NO’, the power of a closed door & the power of rejection. It all carves you into something stronger than those who have only ever gone breezed through a life of ‘yes’.”



“Yes it was, it is difficult when you don’t have anyone who will speak on your behalf, which is why it took so long for me to break into the industry.”



“Some of my earliest challenges were around the marketing of my music to a market that mostly supported Dance and Kwaito music. It was very difficult to get support from retailers. Soul music was also not a big seller. It took years to change this around.”

Cassper Nyovest

Cassper Nyovest

“The biggest challenge we’ve always had was getting our stuff played. Getting on radio and  after we made a little money we started shooting our videos and getting our videos played. Just getting the recognition that we deserve. Before everyone knew us we knew that we were gonna be big before we made it. We already knew that we’re the best at what we do, the biggest challenge was just to get people to give us what we deserve, which is the airplay that we’re getting now. It was more difficult to know that you’re going to be the biggest act in the country, but  nobody sees you as that, every time you come with your CD they treat you as a demo rapper or those guys who are chancing and I’m like no I have something special man.”


DJ Euphonik

Dj Euphonik2

“It’s difficult to change people’s perceptions of what roof top is when it comes to how big the industry can be. People are so used to doing things the good old fashion way and there’s very few risk takers.”

Click Here For Part 2

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